In 2022, we upgraded our signal converters to create instruments that are truly versatile, reliable, and accurate, while being simple and easy to use. After many ideas and numerous challenges, the general design and features to add into the I4 models were set. And thus, the I4 series was born!
And it’s nearly complete! We will soon introduce the next model. Stay tuned…
But let’s take a moment to look back and review the common features among the models in this series:
- Universal power supply.
- Multifunctionality.
- 3000 Veff isolation.
- Front keypad.
- Informative display.
- Configurable messages.
- Force functions.
- Eco mode.
- Scalable input and output ranges.
It all began with our model, I4E.
We decided to focus on handling electrical signals in the first model, specifically the less common ones. And we succeeded. The I4E allows you to work with voltages up to 600 V or currents up to 5 A, whether it’s AC or DC. You can also work with frequency (Hz) in AC signals. A resounding success!
We also made the decision to include and delve into the necessary tools for electrical design with this model. Eplan and Step files are available for download here.
As a result, the I4E has gained traction and become one of FEMA’s most successful instruments.
You can use it to measure dangerous voltages, monitor motor currents, detect deviations, handle photovoltaic applications, work with shunts, ratio transformers, and detect overvoltage in power supplies.
If you weren’t familiar with it before, I’m certain it will become a valuable resource in your designs, alongside the other models in the series: I4E, I4P, I4L… And soon, we will introduce the next model in the series: I4F.
With these four options, you’ll be able to control various sensors and different signals in all your automation applications. It couldn’t be simpler!